Thursday, June 01, 2006

Wedding is iminent...

Well, we're nearly there. One stag night this weekend, then next weekend is the big event. No hen night for Liz, she's off to a luxury hotel in italy with her mum Jill.

There will be a BBQ the friday 9th (day before the wedding), mainly for anyone in the area- if you're around, please contact us and we'll fit you in (Adam-from-the-coppleridge would like to know numbers), if not, don't worry. Its an informal friendly thing.

Apart from that, the only thing that's going on is organising lifts. There are seats available to london and bristol, and I imagine we'll have enough drivers to do gillingham train station runs - please get in touch if you need anything, we might be able to organise it. Actually, no, we'll likely just put you in touch with someone going in the right direction, we have far too much to organise as it is.


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